Lerner Hall Venue Policy
All events held in Lerner Hall must adhere to University Event Policy, including University Fire Safety. Events must comply with the additional venue guidelines outlined here.
Building Guidelines
Events in Lerner Hall must follow Building Policy.
Building Use
Lerner Hall is the Columbia University student center. Its primary purpose is to serve as space for student programming. During the academic year, the use of the building on weekdays after 5:00 p.m. and all day on weekends is reserved for student use.
Faculty, staff and outside guests may reserve space in Lerner Hall from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday – Friday during the academic year and anytime the building is open when classes are not in session.
Event Management is the exclusive caterer for events in Lerner Hall. External caterers are not permitted, with the exception of events sponsored by recognized student groups or outside caterers required for religious reasons.
Lerner Ramp Tables
Lerner Hall ramp tables are reservable only by recognized student group organizations and Columbia affiliated organizations. Table space is limited to two tables per reservation. A member of the requesting Columbia organization must be present at the tables for the duration of the reservation. Ambient volume levels (approximately 65 decibels) should be maintained while using the ramp tables, amplified sound is not permitted. The activity noise level should not be disruptive to individuals at neighboring ramp tables.
Displays or materials must include the requesting Columbia organization’s name. Tabling events may not include additional fixtures such as tents, booths or inflatables.