Electrical and Carpentry Services

Collaborate with the Carpentry Shop and Electrical Services from Facilities and Operations to execute your event vision. 

An indoor ice rink with a metal fence

Create a Custom Look with The Carpentry Shop

From banners to special projects, the Columbia University Facilities and Operations Carpentry Shop provides support for special events as a fee-based service. Collaborate with Event Management and the Carpentry Shop to bring your event ideas to life, like the indoor ice rink constructed at a 2019 Holiday party. 

Below examples of services include, but are not limited to:

  • Hang and remove banners
  • Erect and deconstruct backdrops
  • Build and dismantle special projects


Power Your Event to Perfection

Event Management can help you to identify electrical needs for a diverse range of events, from film sets to gala dinners. By coordinating with the Electrical Services group in Facilities and Operations, Event Management can help you secure access to campus power sources, stand-by electrical services, and more.